Credited Meaning in Malayalam

The word "credited" in Malayalam has several meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the common translations:

  • വിശ്വാസം (Vishwasam) - Belief, trust
  • അംഗീകാരം (Angikaram) - Recognition, acceptance
  • കടം (Kadam) - Loan, debt
  • നിക്ഷേപം (Nikshepam) - Deposit
  • പ്രശസ്തി (Prasasthi) - Fame, reputation
  • അഭിമാനം (Abhimanam) - Pride
  • ഖ്യാതി (Khyathi) - Renown

If you can provide more context about how "credited" is being used, I can help you narrow down the most accurate translation.


Bhaskar Singh

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